Truancy Prevention &
The Central Shenandoah Valley Office on Youth seeks to help youth reach their full potential by encouraging better school attendance, more school engagement and fewer dropouts.
In collaboration with Augusta County Public Schools, Staunton City Public Schools, and Waynesboro City Public Schools, the OOY employs trained mentors to work with chronically absent students following the guidelines of Check and Connect.

Check and Connect is an evidence based mentoring program with the ultimate goal of truancy intervention. Check & Connect mentors communicate weekly with participating students to build long-term, sustained relationships. Mentors and students work together to set goals, develop plans, and problem solve in order to make improvements in attendance, student engagement, and academic progress. Mentors also communicate and work closely with school administration, guidance, teachers, and attendance officers in addition to other community organizations to monitor students and develop effective plans to help the student thrive.
Currently, 25 students are enrolled in the program. Referrals are received from school principals and central office staff.